Friday, 18 November 2011

Second story submission

I've now summitted my second story to a contest.

This one is called "100 Word Story Contest" which means the story must be 100 words or less. An interesting challenge.

The biggest challenge, for me, is the time it takes to find out if you've won. The winners for this 100 word comp is announce on the 17th of March next year. I'm wondering if I'll even remember entering it by them. Actually, i'm sure I will.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

I've started writing

For as long as I've been able to read I've wanted to be a writer, but, until now, done nothing about it.
I'm now on a plan to become a very busy writer. I've already enter one short story contest by a US magazine called 'Writer's Digest'. The story is called Bounty, and I wrote it in about ten days. It was such a rush because I inly had that many days, so I thought, to get it in. However, the magazine kept putting the deadline back after I had submitted my story, so I'm hopeful because I feel my story lacks polish because of the rush to get it in.

I've also entered a very short story comp on Facebook. The story has to be as long as your are alowed for a comment (42 charactors) it can be found at:
The winner is the story with the most likes by 31/12/11 and the first prize is an ipad. I've only had 3 likes, so no ipad for me I think.

I'm about to submit a 100 word story to a comp for 100 word stories. It's called "Leprechaun in the backyard". Everyone who has seen it likes it, so it may be a winner, who knows?

I've found eight other short story comps or anthologies that I can submit stories to, all due in the next four months. I've started on one, have ideas for two others, so I'm not sure if I'll get stories in for all of them, time will tell.

The big thing is that I'm just really excited about having a go.