I've done it. Wrote the wonderful words 'THE END' on Wednesday 26 of March 2014. I've written a novel. Not a long novel, just over 50000 words, but a novel.
Here are the final numbers:
Novel Length: 50364
Words written in last eighty days: 33718
Average words per day during the eighty days: 415
So, I feel that my commitment to write every day, do daily tweets and weekly blogs, and kept myself publicly accountable has paid off.
I'm very Happy. :)
So, where to now?
My plan is to give it a rest for a few weeks and write some other stuff; some short stories I have in mind. Then I'm going to go through the book chapter by chapter and work on anything I think needs fixing. I'm mainly going to look at the dialogue and descriptions, because I think that is where I'm weakest.
After that I might see if I can get some professional editing, and get feed back from some people, family friends,other writers, etc.
If I'm happy after that, it's submit time.
I'm fairly sure things will not go to plan, but if you aim for nothing that is what you get.
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