Book three
Alan Baxter’s Alex Cain series,
Abduction, launches straight into the action. Books one and two lead in with a bunch of scene setting, which was the weakest part of both of them, but not this time. In my view this is the best of the three very good books.
Alex is immediately abducted and taken
to the land of the Fey. The evil race from another dimension who have been in the
background previously are now front and centre. Just to add to the fun, Alex’s enemy
from book one returns with a twist. What follows is action and then some more
action. In all the action there is also a lot of world building and character
development, which is nice. Character and world building through the action is
one of a number of things Alan Baxter does well. Alan actually does a lot of
things well.
Another good thing about Abduction is
that the story feels bigger. Most of books 1 & 2 focus very closely on Alex
Cain, he is the main character. However, because he is taken off the Fey Land
early and spends a lot of time separate from his friends we get to see a lot
more from their point of view. This really helps. It feels like an evolutionary
step forward in the series.
The one small issue that stands in this
book (it’s also in the others) is the sudden appearance of convenient helpers.
People who appear at the right time with the right bit of information. Given
the high speed nature of the stories, this may have been necessary and really
not a big deal.
Basically all the major plot threads are
tied up in this book and there is a solid, and surprising, conclusion. However,
there is still heaps of scope for more books and I hope there will be.
A great book to end a great trilogy.
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