Sunday, 9 September 2012

I have sold my first story

This is amazing, someone is actually paying me to publish one of my stories. Who is this incredibly clever, insightful someone? Nicole Murphy, publisher of In fabular-divino (The Tale-Tellers).

Let me explain. In fabular-divino is a webzine that publishes one story a month of a specfic nature. Nicole selects one story a month, from that months submissions, to be published on the site after she has worked through a full editorial process with the author. Nicole is a very experienced writer and editor, so the story gets a real good polish. She than pays the author $100 for the right to publish the story on In fabular-divino for a month and to put it in an anthology at the end of the year. The author also gets two free copies of the anthology and royalties after costs have been covered so that the next year is financial.   The full submission/selection process is found here

I feel very privileged to have such a great breakthrough so early in my writing career. Nicole has already said some wonderful things about my story on the site blog and I looking forward to what I'll learn from all this. I'd actually almost convince myself that my story going to be accepted. This was because it's so different from the two other stories I had read on the site. I like both stories at lot, especially the latest one 'Regret', but neither of them are the type of story I would ever write. However, Nicole has proved me wrong.

Oh, and the story is called 'Crossroads' I will appear on the site for the whole month of November.


  1. That's brilliant Rick. You're doing very well to have sold a story for that price. Keep up the great work.
    My friend Stacey has her story up for September.
    Adam B @revhappiness

  2. Wow, Regret is a great story.
