Thursday, 1 November 2012

My story is Publish!

I was excited when my story, "Crossroad", was accepted for publication on In fabula-divino.

I was amazed by how much better my story, Crossroads, could be with good editing.

I was Ecstatic when the In fabula-divino publisher (Nicole Murphy) said that Crossroads was ready to be published.

But NOW that Crossroads is actually published, my joy is beyond words.

Just in case you missed all the others, here is the link to my story, Crossroads, so that you can read it and find great joy as well. ;)

Just to make myself clear, please go to and read my story.

I really hope that you enjoy it.


  1. Congratulations Rick - fantastic achievement.


    1. Thanks Mark, how are your stories going?

    2. OK - I stalled on the novel manuscript (need to improve my writing skills a bit more) so I've been focusing on short fiction for the last half of the year (when work and family allow).

      Have three short stories ranging from about 3,000 words to 10,000 words in various states, which I'm hoping to polish some more before Christmas.

      I'm thinking about attending the Kate Forsyth workshop at the NSW Writers' Centre next month - it looks interesting.


  2. Yes, The Kate Forsyth workshop looks great. However, I mostly can't do Sunday workshops. Most of the good ones are on the Sunday, so I miss at lot. I did do a great Saturday workshop on gramma there, it helped me a lot.
