Thursday, 28 February 2013

Conflux & Ditmar

I will be going to my first Conflux Conference at the end of April. Conflux is an annual Speculative fiction conference in Canberra. I'm going because I want to, and because I'm running a workshop. I'm running a workshop at Conflux because they asked for workshop submissions and accepted mine.

My workshop is called, "A mile in their shoes', the details can be found here on the Conflux web-sight. It's on at 8 am on the last day of the conference, so I'm expecting massive numbers. If you are going to Conflux this year, consider coming to my workshop.

Conflux is also the venue for 2013's Natcon, The 52nd Australian National Science Fiction Convention. Which means that it will host the Ditmars, The annual national award for Speculative Fiction writing and other related stuff. You can read about the Ditmars here.

It just so happens that I have two short stories that are eligible for nomination in this years Ditmars. What happens is that leading up to the Natcon eligible voters nominate their Favorited stories. The five stories with the most nominations are then voted for and the winners announced at the Natcon its self. The rules are explain fully here.

Just in case you are an eligible voter who may happen to want to nominate one of my stories. My stories are "Crossroads" and "Leprechaun in the Backyard" and can be found in the short story section of the Ditmar eligibility list found here. The place you nominate my stories, and others that you may feel are worthy is here.

I hope I see you are Conflux.

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