It's just been a few hours since the 2013 Speculative Fiction Festival at the NSW Writers' Centre. I must say that I enjoyed the day a lot. However, how did my plans go?

Meeting and talking: I did a bit of meeting and talking. I met Angela Slatter in the coffee line and we talked briefly about In Fabula-divino. I met and chatted Jason Nahrung, and then down loaded his new book, 'Blood and Dust', to my Kindle using the free Wifi at the centre. I also briefly chatted with Richard Harland and saw a copy of his, soon to be released, next book.
Meet Mark Webb: I did met Mark and we had a good long chat at the end of the day.
Finally: My name tag got one positive response. A lady who had heard of the book said to me that she was going to buy it and looked forward to reading my story. The only other response was from a friend who laughed and said, 'How funny.'
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