Thursday, 27 June 2013

The Constancy of Change

There has always been change, in my life.

As a child my school, dad, house, dog, church, friends and hair length all changed, most of them more than once.

Got a job as a Junior Station Assistant on the Railway when I was 16. Worked for the railway for seven years and changed position seven times.

Went to Bible College for two years to become a youth pastor, 
graduated five years later and became a children’s worker.

Joined WEC for life, left seven years later.
Created my own ministry, ended it three years later.
Joined CEF for life, left seven years later.
Became a Church Pastor, quit three years later.

Got married and had three children along the way.

Have lived in 12 houses, owned 12 cars and 12 computers.

This was just the highlights.

About to, start a new job, move to a new house, turn fifty and start a writing career.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8


  1. Some of the best writers didn't start their writing careers until their 50s. It's a sign ;)
    Best of luck with all that change!!

  2. Thanks Lynda,
    I could still have a fifty year writing career ahead of me. Who knows?
